How would you classify the term of GENTLEMEN? Seriously, I'm started to think about this since few days ago? Should be say start from recently since I've found the one who give me this kind of feeling. I'm glad because almost all of my gentle friends are quite gentlemen at this moment until I found this one. Yea,I'm talking about you! Maybe in the other's eye, he is not that bad as I mention and maybe a nice boyfie through. This is simply my opinion at this moments. Perhaps you can be a gentlemen one day. I'm gonna wait and see how much you got change in the coming days. Thats the other one, that I've found and had been kicked out from my facebook's friend list too! Simply because I don't think I want to keep up our friendship. So why should I keep updated to your news and get contact with you. You are just nothing! Please get a mirror and look at your dumb face! I know I'm bad. So guys,if someday you found yourself is not in my list of friends, do know what had happened.
HAHA. Okay, don't think I'm cruel please. I was born in this way and I've learn harder to become a thoughtful girl.
HAHAHA! Still learning. Wokay, mama day is coming up this sun! What's your plan friends? I still thinking of it and that is my last day and yet my release day from final too! I need a backup plan in order my ori plan don't reach it. So date me friends! I want a dinner, I want movie, I want sing-k, I want vacation. Not to forget, I need to work too. I need you Job. I should stop thinking of this I know, 2 more to go and I have totally planning where to go instead of studying. Quote of the day [顺其自然 ]. I love this cause no matter how much you prepare and plan for it, anything might change in last minutes. So I should stop planning too much or else I will get much more disappointment after this. End up no movie,no sing k, no dinner and stay at home.
HAHA. Who know! Thats the reason I love spontaneous outing!
This is the only short hair photo that I've now and Ithink your saw it at facebook as I make it as my profile picture di ! Sorry for the repeating photo~
Photo taken during mami birthday and the others photo were taken by sissy,so this is the only one with me. Sorry for the few photo taken cause the blogger also didn't take much photo as well. I'll stop here. Gonna ka ja!
*Fi is happy today because roommie went to Melaka and the room is MINE for the second day di! Hope she wont come back till the day I go back! *